Sunday 9 February 2020

Know Your Worth

She is successful.

She is so talented.

She speaks well.

She dances well.

She cooks well.

She paints well.

She has a perfect body.

She is a beauteous lass.

She is well educated.

She is gifted.

She is bright.

She is this.

She is that.

Poor girl, she does not know her worth!

Poor girl indeed, she listens to this and decides her worth. 

Is somebody’s worth measured only in terms of how much one earns? Or how educated one is? Or how many degrees one has? Or how attractive one is? Or how good are one’s communication skills? Or how well one dances? Or in terms of one’s innate talents? Or the talents acquired by one?

Why don’t we tell Him, Her or the ‘Gender Unknown’ that they are and can be successful with or without any or all of the above?

I watched a life-altering and thought provoking movie lately and hence, the preaching.

Each one of us has made a mark in our lives, just that most of the times we do not know! What a wonderful life it would be if we know how many lives we have touched, how many great  'little’ things we have done, not knowing what magnanimous change it brings into someone else’s life.

And when we do not know about it or do not realize, how wonderful it would be to have people around you repeatedly, time and again remind you of your glorious deeds.

Quoting a dialogue from the movie, It's a wonderful life- ‘Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?

Pause and ponder.

Makes sense eh? We are not defined by what we try to define ourselves with. We are defined by what we do not even give a thought to and that is our deeds, our actions, our efforts.

But sadly we feel guilty of thinking this way, of boasting of our good deeds and character because after all no one wants to be termed as a braggart. We are conditioned in such a way since childhood that even if we try to make ourselves feel better by being pompous, we feel remorseful.

How about if someone else awakens us about those things, about the way we have or are affecting others in a positive way. 

How would you feel? I can tell about myself. I feel giddy happy!

So why not tell our friends, family, children or anyone around that their worth is commensurate to the relationships that they have built or the mark that they have left in the world through their deeds or that they look charismatic when they smile or that they have a heart of gold or that they possess an admirable value system or that the struggle that they go through to reach their goals is commendable or that they are loved and adored for what they are and not for what they will become?

How about telling our kids all this?

Think about it as a parent, educator or a layman. Our kids need this more than anyone because we do not want them to grow into a successful yet unhappy being.