Tuesday 10 March 2020

There Is Room Enough For All Women

Image result for there is enough room for all women to bewhole

I found this quotation on a social media app recently and boom popped the idea into my head to write about it. The restive 'Woman Power' propagator in me gets active on seeing or reading stuff like this. And uneasy and uncomfortable to the verge of being extremely anxious I get when I see or hear a woman tearing down another one in front of me.

I belong to a profession(Teaching) that is dominated by females. It is a piece of cake for us when it comes to overrule the opposite sex at our workplace. The feminists in us suddenly become bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when it comes to fighting for our pack(read pack of wolves) with the men around us.

The support and mutual adhesiveness is overwhelming in a group of women.

But something happens when the same is required to be practiced within the group for each other. There enters comparison, competition, jealousy, gossip, grapevine, belittling, undermining, leg pulling, judging and what not.
***Disclaimer- It does not happen every time and everywhere but it is there.

It is there not just in my profession but women in all professions, spheres and spaces have experienced the above and have been at the  giving or receiving end of such treatment.

Can a woman really rise above by pulling another one down? Is the society not enough to pulverize us since years?  History and our experiences are evidence and I will not elaborate upon that.

It is time that we, as women, accept the flaws, opinions, success, weaknesses, accomplishments, joys, sorrows, dreams and aspirations of each other and lift, uplift and help each other shine. If not, then at least not judge them or tear them down or apart. 

After all, there is room enough for all of us.

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